Golf Workout

Golf Workout

Golf workout goals:

To be more "grounded"

Stand on one leg with eyes open
Stand on one leg with eyes closed
Stand on the balance disc by one foot with eyes open(closed)

One leg squat
One leg jump
Squat on the balance disc by one foot

Lunge and throw ball on balance disc (frontal, sagittal, horizontal)
One leg stand and throw ball on balance disc (frontal, sagittal, horizontal)


        To generate a more powerful rotation

        Cable core rotation
        Lunge and upward slash with cable
        Lunge and downward slash with cable
        Thoracic twist in the lunge pose with cable


          To transfer faster

          Deep squat, then jump and throw medicine ball

          Bend knees and hip and drop medicine ball

          Deadlift with kettlebell


            To control more accurately

            Kneeling Twist (kneel on the ground facing the wall with a weighted bar on the shoulder, twist the body both right and left to gently touch the wall)
            One-leg stand and twist to clap (left hand to right foot)


              Golf-related muscle group workouts:

              Golf Core Workout

              Alternate Heel Touchers
              Dumbbell Side Bend
              Weighted Twist
              Lying Leg Raise
              Leg Pull-In Knee-Up
              Kettlebell Windmill




                Golf Back Workout

                Barbell Deadlift
                Bent Over Barbell Row
                Bird Dogs/Alternating Reach & Kickback
                Crossbody Cable Row
                Dumbbell Incline Beach Row
                Dumbbell Pullover




                  Golf Arms Workout

                  Dumbbell Overhead Shoulder Press
                  One-Arm Kettlebell Row
                  Seated Lateral Dumbbell Raise
                  Tricep Dumbbell Kickback
                  Dumbbell Squat Thrusters/Squat to Overhead Press
                  Reverse Curl




                    Golf Biceps Workout

                    Barbell Curl/Standing Biceps Curl
                    EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
                    Hammer Curls
                    One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl
                    One-Arm Dumbbell Row
                    Seated Alternating Incline Beach Dumbbell Curls




                      Golf Legs Workout

                      Barbell Deadlift
                      Barbell Squat
                      Barbell Lunge
                      Bulgarian Split Squat
                      Dumbbell Lunges
                      Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift




                        Strength, endurance, suppleness, flexibility and explosiveness training are just like fitness training. The basic training determines everything.

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